Our Foundation is at the heart of our corporate and social responsibility strategy and provides team members with a means to support nominated charities through fundraising initiatives.

The Foundation was established to ensure that charitable giving would become a long-term initiative for the business and encourage philanthropy to become part of the company culture.

Our goal is to help people achieve great things and we are committed to long term contributions to our key partners.

The TechnologyOne Foundation was created in 2016 by founder Adrian Di Marco as a way for our organisation to give back to the community.
Pledge 1%
Pledge 1%

As a company, we commit to pledge one per cent of revenue, time and product to movements and missions that matter.

1% Profit
1% Profit

Each year the TechnologyOne Foundation donates one per cent of its annual profit towards Foundation programs and our charity partners, supporting our vision of changing the future by empowering underprivileged young people to transform their lives. 

1% Time
1% Time

Our people have an incredible range of skills that can be a huge help to charities and community organisations. Each year, team members have the opportunity to take up to 2.5 days paid volunteer leave to give back to their community. 

1% Product
1% Product

Our commitment is to donate one per cent of New Annual Recurring Revenue each year. This makes it easier for not-for-profit organisations to access our solutions and take advantage of the efficiencies they provide, which in turn extends the impact of their work.

Proud supporters
We are proud to be listed as one of GoodCompany's Top 20 companies in Australia and for our recognition as winner of the Community Contribution Award at the 2019 Australian Business Awards
Our commitment

We are committed to making a difference to underprivileged and at-risk young people by empowering them to transform their lives and create their own pathways of success.

Our focus is on young people because we believe it is how we can have the greatest impact on the future. To achieve our goal, the TechnologyOne Foundation partners with inspirational charities from around the world.

Our Partners

Opportunity International Australia
Opportunity International Australia

Opportunity International Australia gives families living in poverty the tools they need to transform their lives, their children’s futures and their communities. Our support helps to fund small loans as an innovative approach.

The School of St Jude
The School of St Jude

St Jude's is a private school in Tanzania that gives food, housing and free, high-quality education to children. We have been supporting their STEM and eLearning program since 2014.

The Fred Hollows Foundation
The Fred Hollows Foundation

TechnologyOne supports The Fred Hollows Foundation in their quest to restore sight, fight for change and empower communities. Our contribution supports Fred Hollows’ mission to end avoidable blindness.

The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army

TechnologyOne supports youth programs through The Salvation Army, which has an extensive history of working with marginalised and disadvantaged people in our communities and are dedicated to creating hope.


SolarBuddy has a goal to gift six million solar lights to children living in energy poverty by 2030 to help them study after dusk and improve their education outcomes. TechnologyOne has joined the global community to create a more sustainable world and demonstrate how the gift of lights can transform lives.

The King's Trust
The King's Trust

The King's Trust is a charity in the United Kingdom founded in 1976 by Charles III, to help support vulnerable 11 to 30-year-olds in the UK. TechnologyOne has been a partner of the Prince’s Trust since 2018.

St James College
St James College

St James College is a coeducational secondary college for years 7 – 12 , located in Brisbane, Australia. TechnologyOne supports the St James Bursary Fund which provides an authentic real-world connection for students, helping connect them to future pathways.


KidsCan is Aotearoa New Zealand’s leading charity dedicated to helping Kiwi kids affected by poverty. TechnologyOne’s partnership aims to improve the prospects of Kiwi kids who face significant barriers to success and develop greater awareness of KidsCan’s work. 

<span class='fs-18'>Dignity for Children Foundation</span>
Dignity for Children Foundation

Dignity for Children Foundation in Malaysia aims to break the cycle of poverty through the provision of quality education for children aged 2—19 years. Its vision is to nurture and empower world changers through transformative education. Our partnership aims to power an ICT classroom which enables students to receive information technology education, as well as quality holistic care to develop academically and socially to break out of cycles of poverty.

<span class='fs-18'>The Smith Family</span>
The Smith Family

TechnologyOne supports The Smith Family’s Learning for Life program aimed at improving access to and participation in education for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students experiencing disadvantage. We have also invested in their Exploring Educational Pathways program, enabling young people to develop a better understanding of the world of work and the education pathways available to them after school.