Property & Rating
Capture, enquire and report on all information relating to your council’s property, land, people, rates and addresses in one centralised system, while delivering service that exceeds customer expectations.
Empower your community with easy-to-use self-service options available 24/7 via our DxP Local Government platform, designed for real-time service delivery and interaction.

Business processes in Property & Rating
Business Processes are the sequence of activities performed to achieve a desired outcome that are supported within TechnologyOne solutions. Business Processes have been grouped into a hierarchical Business Process Framework.
Animal Registration to Expiry
Manage animal records from registration, to regulating and controlling the number of registered and unregistered animals within the council’s boundaries.
Application to Interment
Simplify council cemetery management by overseeing the administration of a register of interment sites and maintaining information about those interred at these sites.
Bond Request to Refund
Streamline the activities undertaken to manage the recording, receiving, refunding or withholding of money held in trust by your organisation.
Building Application Lodgement to Decision
Easily manage the activities undertaken to assess and approve applications for building works.
Charge to Receipt - P&R
Effortlessly manage money owed by debtors and the community for supply of goods and/or services, from initiating a charge and processing an invoice to generating a receipt.
Connection to Disconnection
Debt to Collection - P&R
Supports the management of debt owed to the organisation including payment plans and debt recovery.
Decision to Plan
Supports the lifecycle management of council legislation and policy documents from creation to publication.
Development Application Lodgement to Decision
Activities managed by the council in administering and overseeing applications for approval to develop, use, or conduct specific activities on property and/or land, in accordance with relevant legislation.
Lease Application to Expiry
Encompasses the steps an organisation undertakes to administer and manage leasing agreements with individuals, community organisations or commercial entities.
Licence/Permit Application to Expiry
Facilitates the activities undertaken by a council to monitor, control and manage the various licences and registrations issued by the organisation.
Offence to Outcome
Empower teams to support the issuing and management of infringement notices for animals, vehicles and other local law offences within the council’s boundaries.
Property Creation to Development
Enables councils to view and manage all property-based services it delivers to its community.
Request to Close
Supports the end-to-end lifecycle of both internal and external council requests, from creation to closure and feedback.
Waste Service creation to End of Service
Simply record and manage the delivery and collection of waste and recycling services for the community.
Modules in Property & Rating
Modules are functional areas within TechnologyOne products, designed to address specific operational needs of an organisation. Providing the necessary tools to manage tasks within their functional areas, modules can be configured to suit the requirements of an organsiation. Seamlessly integrating with other TechnologyOne modules ensure efficient operations across functions.
- Address Validation
- Animal Management
- App Builder for P&R
- Application Enquiry & Lodgement
- Application Tracking
- Billing
- BPA for Property and Rating
- BPA Forms for Property and Rating
- Business Analytics for Property and Rating
- Cemetaries Register
- Cleanaway Connector for Request Mgt
- CMIS for Property and Rating
- Compliance Connector
- Compliance Framework
- Compliance Submission Management
- Customer Portal
- Debtors
- DocOne for Property and Rating
- ECR for Property
- Embedded Mapping Standard - Spatial
- ETL for Property and Rating
- Infrastructure Charges
- Infringements
- Interactions & Correspondence for P&R
- Mobile Enquiries
- Mobile Infringements
- Mobile Inspections
- Mobile Requests
- Name Management
- NSW Land Data
- NZ Dog Database
- NZ MPI Food
- Policy
- Property and Rating Core
- Property Management
- Rates Modelling
- Rating & Valuations
- Records Compliance for Property & Rating
- Request Management
- Service Management Waste
- Service Management Water
- Snap Send Solve Connector for Request Mgt
- Spatial Attribute Generator
- Spatial Import
- Spatial WMS/WFS Server
- Special Rates and Charges
- Technical Assessments
- VIC Food Safety Reporting
- VIC Planning Permit Reporting
- VIC VMOnline
- Web Services for Property and Rating
- XLOne for Property and Rating
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